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Transparency report

Last updated: February 19, 2025

In accordance with the Overwolf Digital Services Act, Overwolf will make clear, easily understandable reports on the content moderation carried out by Overwolf in the relevant period publicly available at least once a year in a machine-readable format and in an easily accessible manner.

This report is published for Overwolf to fulfill the transparency report requirements outlined in Article 15 of the Digital Services Act.

Reporting Period: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2024.

1. Orders from Member State Authorities (Article 15.1(a))

Overwolf did not receive any orders from Member State authorities during the Reporting Period.

2. Notices regarding illegal content (Article 15.1(b))

Overwolf has put in place mechanisms to allow users to submit notices regarding allegedly illegal content hosted on our platform. During this Reporting Period, we have not received any notices and have therefore not taken any actions on such reported content.

3. Content moderation at Overwolf's own initiative (Article 15.1(c))

Overwolf engages in content moderation at its own initiative to ensure that content that is illegal or violates or General Terms and Conditions is removed.

  • Automated tools: Due to the limited amount of user generated content, we do not use any automated tools to detect illegal content.

  • Training and assistance: Our content moderators have received general training to recognize content that is illegal or violates our General Terms and Conditions.

  • Measures taken: We will act against content that is illegal or violates our General Terms and Conditions if such content comes to our knowledge or awareness. However, during this Reporting Period, we have not found any such content in our service. No measures have been taken that affect the availability, visibility and accessibility of information provided by the recipients of the service nor the recipients’ ability to provide information through the service.

4. Internal complaint handling (Article 15.1(d))

During this reporting period, Overwolf received approx. 6,500 complaints through its internal complaint-handling system. As a result, 333 takedowns were executed, categorized as follows: 179 for intellectual property infringement, 1 for terrorist content or offenses, 2 for illegal goods or services, 50 for illegal hate speech or discrimination, and 101 for other illegal content. Additionally, 20 users were banned as a consequence of these takedowns.

5. Automated means for content moderation (Article 15.1(e))

We do not utilize automated systems to detect potential copyright infringements in uploaded content.

Contact information:

If you have any questions regarding our transparency report, please contact dpo@overwolf.com